Tom Feeney (FL-24) goes nuclear…

In the last gasps of a dying campaign, Tom Feeney has decided to scrape the bottom of the barrel.  In his latest ad he has slimed Suzanne Kosmas by channeling everything from illegal immigration to abortions for 13 year olds to to 9/11 and giving driving licenses to terrorists.  Truely one of the most disgusting ads I’ve ever seen.

3 thoughts on “Tom Feeney (FL-24) goes nuclear”

  1. They are really desperate.  Hey, maybe him and Cheeseburger Ric Keller can open a lobbying firm together next year.  I’m sure that’s already in the works.

  2. Best case scenario for Feeney is it drives up Kosmas’ negatives a bit, but his are about to shoot through the roof.  Maybe in 2002/2004 this shit might have stuck to the wall, but this is a different kind of year.  

    With how badly his campaign has been floundering, I’m kind of confused as to how he’s gotten as far in politics as he as.  No bother, he’s career will be over on Nov. 5th.

  3. just not in the same bat-sh** crazy kind of way it has been done.  He’s hit on taxes, immigration, blah blah blah.  Jumping through the hoops.  

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